Simon van der Sluijs

Simon van der Sluijs

Simon van der Sluijs (pronounced as ‘sluice’) (1954) is a multi-disciplinary artist who works across a wide variety of disciplines and mediums in 2D and 3D.
Over the years Simon has had several successful exhibitions in the Little River Gallery. His work is always figurative and supported by a strong narrative. Most of the work is project-based and for inspiration he journeys inside himself. Simon’s work often visualises what drives us as human beings and some of his favourite subjects are vintage circuses and carnivals. He is also a talented drawer, especially of the human form.

The last few years have seen Simon collaborate with choreographer Fleur de Thier. Together they have produced successful theatre shows like ‘Mantra’, 'Requiem’ and ‘Axis Mundi’ in which they combine dance, movement, puppetry and mask work, poetry and music. These shows were performed in the Lyttelton Arts Factory for sold out houses. An overview of his work as well as the theatre productions can be found on his website

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