29 March - 28 April 2025

Near and Far


Captured, that snapshot moment when the sun glints off the sea or between the leaves to dapple the path. Philip Beadle never fails to transport the viewer with his evocative scenes; follow his travels around the South Island and beyond via this stunning new body of work. 

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“I’ve branched out beyond my usual subject matter for ‘Near & Far’, along with my ongoing theme of painting the Peninsula, I’ve also included other South Island scenes as well as The Timber Trail in the North Island, and even a Japanese snow scene.

Having such a diverse landscape so close to where live is great inspiration and more so the opportunity to observe it in different light and weather conditions and different seasons.

I enjoy capturing the low sun reflected on water and the resulting atmospheric conditions. Invariably these emphasise the distance in the painting pushing out the far from the near.

I hope the people viewing my exhibition will enjoy my take on the landscape and have an emotional response to the moments in time that I capture.” - Philip Beadle