“I have continued my theme of painting the peninsula, enjoying the contrast of sea and hills in evening light conditions, often with the sun dazzlingly bright on the water. Having such a diverse landscape so close to where I live is great inspiration and an opportunity to see it in different light and weather conditions and seasons, high summer being a favourite when the tussock has dried out to a golden brown.
Capturing the light striking a range of subject matter has always interested me whether it is the landscape, nude or cityscapes. I’m interested in our emotional response to the often fleeting memories we retain of something we have seen and how it affected us. It could be a glare on water or a pose we see for a millisecond as someone moves in every day life to touch their hair or dry themselves after a swim. I’m also concerned with creating an exciting painting surface with abstract qualities and enjoy painting in warm low evening or winter light to resolve form, colour and light into a warm companion on canvas.
I hope the people viewing my exhibition will enjoy my take on the Banks Peninsula landscape and have an emotional response to the moments in time that I capture.”
– Philip Beadle